Sunday, July 28, 2013

LDS Accounts

You know how every other fifth Sunday the Bishopbric comes in and tells everybody how to make an LDS Account and then the Relief Society President usually stands up and says how much she loves it and sometimes the person next to you starts their account right then and there using their cool new smartphone but most people a.) already have one b.) forget to make one when they get home or c.) are way too scared that they're not actually a member of the Church due to an indexing account malfunction a few years ago to even try.

Okay, so maybe I'm the only one in Category C.

But the important part of this story is that I got over that fear today!  Today, I made an official LDS Account.  So far, I have explored the likes of a few conference talks--taking care to use every highlighter color possible (I think yellow means its a scripture quote, orange is a great insight, blue is... oh no, whats blue!?), "liked" a number of the General Authorities' new official facebook pages (seriously, I follow President Monson now!  Check it out here.) , and mostly I guess I like just having my name up in the corner.  I'm really excited to try out the new family search stuff, like more than just indexing, I keep hearing about these "fan charts".  Yeah, I want one.  And I think I can get one now.  Basically, I'm pretty excited about the new doors this LDS Account can open for me annnnnd for all of you.  It's easy as one-two-three.

Look.  Here's a link.  Just to make it super easy for you all.  Imagine how much fun FHE will be tomorrow if you just do this!

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Haha remember five months ago when I said I was going to blog again.. well, I guess that didn't happen.  Turns out marrying the love of your life can keep you kind of busy.

I've been working this summer and taking a Humanities class.  Humanities 202.  The Renaissance to now.  Turns out this is the best time I could ever take it because I love my teacher, love my class, love our assignments, I just love it.  Or I did.  I loved it until we got to all this "modern" stuff.  Each week we have a listening list.  It's usually about two hours long and it's usually bearable.  I could listen to the likes of Mozart and Beethoven while spending hours on pinterest and call it studying.  It was great.  Now our listening lists our called things like "Experimental Music".  Experimental?  Whaaaatttt????  Okay.  I guess I can experiment with that.  It's been one hour.  I'm half way through the list.  Can this experiment please be over?  If you want to experiment with me, give John Cage a try by clicking here.  Maybe it'll be educational.  Maybe not.

But this blog isn't for ranting, and I by no means want to complain, I'm glad I've had my eyes opened to the full scope of music and can't wait to return to the likes of my modern music.  You know, country and Beyoncé, and everything wonderful in between.  So I'll end my post with at least a sentence (or two) of gratitude.

Today, I am grateful for music.  I'm grateful for where the world has been, so we can make new creations today and continue to progress to even bigger and better things in the future.  Hopefully, there will be more beauty that will be music to my ears in the years to come.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

1. The Sun

I am starting afresh.  Starting to blog again.  Just something small.  To share my blessings and my little sphere of happiness with others.

Today, I am grateful for the sun. It is shining and warming up cars and people and it is wonderful.  It makes me happy and I'm going to just ignore the inversion and be happy for it :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

That Time of Year

How is it already that time of year again?
Time to naturally set new goals.

I had some time to think
Driving across most of the western United States.

I've decided on a few things.

I want to be gracious,
More gracious than before.

This semester I will wake-up early,
This has never really been an issue for me
So maybe that's why I make it a goal every year.

This time around the alarm clock is goin for 6:45
In the a.m.
Set to run or yoga.

That's right, yoga
My sister says it will be good for me.
I might have to agree
And it's offered for free.
Yay College.

I will study a lot.
That's a good goal right there.

Oh and I will volunteer
Hopefully somewhere amazing.
Looking into some options now.

I'm horribly excited for this coming semester.
Here's to something going awesome.
Stick with me, k?
I may just need you by my side :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Life lately

Today, I was thinking about this blog.  Mostly my neglect of said blog.  And I decided that's truly what it is, neglected.  But it's ok.  Because it's summer and I've been doing amazing things instead of blogging.  Like I hiked Timp and I work hard all day at Sports Camps and today I even read in the sun.  It was amazing.  I love life and am so lucky and blessed to be able to lead the life I do.  So blessed.  It's also the Olympics. Go World. 

Maybe someday I'll blog again.  We'll see.  Cheers :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Internet Woes

The internet has been down at my apartment.

I feel like some sort of force is telling me
to go play outside,
to pick up a book,
to make a new friend,
to soak up the sun.

Its a good reminder of what Summer is really all about.

I love this.